Thalia's Daughters

A weblog for English 6365: Women Onstage in the Long Eighteenth Century, at UNB.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Weblog: at least one substantial entrydue weekly; mark will be calculated after Dec. 4
Weblog/participation (25%)

Each member of the class is expected to initiate and maintain a blog (a weblog)[1] about the readings, class discussions, assignments, and related matters (such as other texts you are reading or have read, &tc.). I may post specific questions for you to address.

Resources will be made available for those who are less experienced. As this is not a computer design class, emphasis is on content.

You are expected to read and respectfully yet incisively comment on others' blogs/posts. This is an interactive exercise.

Resource: start with Blogging.

See also here and comments here.

[1] Please note: If you really don't want to do this assignment, you may hand in a series of journal entries throughout the term.